Boeing monitors temperature-sensitive sealants, achieves ROI in three months

Boeing, one of the world’s largest aerospace manufacturers, wanted to track and monitor temperature-sensitive and perishable materials at sub-zero temperatures throughout its supply chain. RFID Global implemented a solution combining Visi-Trac with temperature sensors. Boeing achieved its ROI goal in three months.
Products are packed in dry ice and product expiration dates are scanned using Visi-Trac at supplier PPG’s facilities. As materials arrive at Boeing, they are stored in hundreds of RFID-enabled freezers that automatically update the system of record. If any freezers are operating outside the acceptable temperature range or a product has passed an expiration date, an alert is triggered. The system had such a significant impact on the management of these materials, enabling better compliance and mitigating FAA fines, that Boeing recognized the RFID Global team with a Silver Eagle award for innovation.
Tracking items with RFID is not a novel concept. What is exceptional about this system is it works from manufacturer to end user in a -100°F environment.